Trynlee is over a month old now! She is so much fun. She has been a pretty good sleeper, getting up once or twice a night and taking several good naps during the day. She takes a pacifier and a bottle! Yay for us!! She loves sitting in her bouncer, and swing. She also loves constantly being held by her sister and brother ;) They really love her. A week or so ago Trynlee was crying (screaming), and I mentioned to the kids to try singing to her. So Shayd and Zander started singing a song they were making up as they went. It was the sweetest thing! And guess what...It worked! Not only did she calm down but she fell asleep and took a pretty long nap. I love my cute little family! We are so blessed!
A Friend of mine came over this week and took these pictures of Trynlee. She is amazing! Thanks Nikki! They turned out so cute!
Here she is! Our sweet girl was born on July 20th at 3:26pm. For the most part labor went well. Trynlee had a hard time keeping her heart rate up, but luckily the nurses knew exactly what they were doing. They put me on my side, and had me on oxygen, and most importantly kept me calm! I didn't realize how concerned they were until after Trynlee was born. She weighed 6lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 in. long.
The kids were so excited to meet her! They love holding her and helping with her! Shayden still can't get enough of her. Trynlee is a lucky girl to have so many people who love her.
My mom was able to be there for the birth thanks to a good friend that kept the kids for a few hours. Hillary, Emily, and Erin came to visit our sweet baby.
Our nurse/friend Deanna was with us when Shayden was born and took care of us after Trynlee was born. It was fun to have a familiar face in the hospital with us!
We are the Bells. We have been married for over 10 years now. We have 4 adoreable kids. Zander is 7, Emberlyn is 4, Shayden is 2, and Trynlee is 1 month. They are amazing and keep us very busy.