Sunday, February 28, 2010


Emberlyn is a happy beautiful girl. She is almost three and is as tall as most five year olds. She hit a major growth spurt this past year and went from 24 month size to 4 or 5T. She will be starting preschool on March 24th, which is the day after her birthday (I wanted her to spend her birthday with me). We have met her teacher, her new therapists, and most of the staff at her school and are excited for this new change in our lives. I am going to miss Emberlyn while she is at school, and will probably have more free time than I have had in a long time. I am sure I will find plenty of ways to fill it! I will also miss Ember's First Step therapists. Jessie and Nicole have become a part of our family and I am not ready to let them go. Fortunately, they have promised to stop by and keep in touch!
These pictures aren't real recent, but they are some of my favorites of sweet Embers.

We are working with Make-A-Wish to get a playground in our neighborhood. Since Emberlyn can't talk we had to make her wish for her. We tried to think of what Emberlyn loves the most. Her three favorite things are: being outside, swinging, and interacting with kids. So we decided that a playground we can walk to with a special swing would be what she would wish for. The Make-A-Wish reps have been amazing and are working on finding a place for the playground . We are so excited to have a place where Embers can play and leave her mark on the world! Hopefully everything will go as planned.


Kristin and Alyssa said...

That's right starting tomorrow it is our birthday month Embers. We just need to make sure everyone remembers that all month. :O) We do share it with Ryan and Braydon.

She is so cute. Thanks for the updates.

Alyson Tolman said...

Yeah Embers. I can't believe you are almost 3. And we can't possible forget your birthday. Krisitn and Braydon remind us it is almost ya'lls birthday month for at least two months and then daily reminders once March is here. Have a great Birthday month!