Saturday, May 31, 2008

Zander's Dessert

Today Zander decided to make dessert. I asked him how he made it, and he said, "First I started with a little water, then I put in crackers, then a little more water, then cottage cheese, then I cut up one of my fish sticks, then I put in a little more water." And believe it or not he ate it (or drank it I guess). We all had to pretend to try Zander's dessert too, and he even saved some for Nini to have when she got home from work.


Alyson Tolman said...

What a creative dessert Zander. You and Alyssa are going to have fun cooking together. ;0p

I'm so glad you are blogging and we can see pictures!


Rachel said...

I am so glad you have a blog!!

That is so disgusting!!!

The Marshall's said...

Yea! I'm so glad you finally got a blog!! I lOVE your new house!! Keep the pictures and updates coming!

Keyes said...

Hee, hee. He sounds like Alex. The other morning I didn't want to get out of bed (who am I kidding? I never want to get out of bed) and he went upstairs and made himself a sandwich.... butter and jam on rye bread. I asked him if it was yucky and he said, "no, it's yummy." My mom says that of course no child will admit that something they made doesn't taste good!!